
Sunday, 15 August 2010

Peter Hitchens is a moron

I recently picked up a copy of The Cameron Delusion by Daily Mail columnist and prick Peter Hitchens.

(Left: All round stupid bastard Peter Hitchens probably talking about how cracking guns are in a shit documentary before using said gun to shoot a foreigner or homosexual because he's a good Tory)

Like anyone sensible I find David Cameron repulsive. He looks like a turd wrapped in clingfilm. My mother recently burned me by saying I looked like him. The joke is on her as people always say I look like her.

(Hitchens pretending to care about poor kids in Asia whilst secretly hating the poor in Britain)

I didn't know who Hitchens was I never read the Daily Mail because I know the difference between news and the opinions of racist, homophobic, narrow minded arseholes. I'm glad I've never read a word this fool has written before his latest pile of wank. The only thing we agree on is that Cameron is a tool and a media whore.

However, Hitchens hates him because its obvious Hitchens wants his job and I'm going to go out on a limb and say Hitchens would like to sniff his bicycle saddle after he had sat on it. Below is a list of reasons The Cameron Delusion is shit:
  • Hitchens rails against the Labour governments by "naming and shaming" all the Labour cabinet ministers that had at one time been Socialists/Marxists/ Trotskyist etc. Well done Hitchens, here's a small piece of information, the Labour party calls itself a Democratic Socialist party, therefore it contains one or two people with some left wing leanings. The reason a lot of the Labour elite no longer call themselves "Marxist" is because they grew up and realised Marxism doesn't work.

  • Hitchens rails against the Tories for not being conservative enough using the logic that Tories have changed their tack a little and realised that in this day and age its OK to be gay or unmarried or an Atheist. He is perfect for the Daily Mail as his political opinions stem from the 1940's.

  • His crowning moment is his anger at every single Tory government for not scrapping the NHS and welfare payments for the unemployed/ disabled. Baring in mind these two triumphs of common sense came after WW2, surely a good time for policies that try to help one's fellow man after six years of devastating war and the Holocaust. Hitchens believes that the Tories should be opposed to free health care and helping the poor. Fuck him.

The only good thing I can say about the Tories is that they seem to think he's as big a cunt as I do.

I beg you to do what all the sensible people in Waterstones did and ignore this arse cake of a book.

If you want to read a good Delusion read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, a quality book by a true legend.


  1. The spacing in this post is extreme. I tried to lay it out better but Blogger seems to have a mind of its own.

  2. He writes for the Sunday Mail!
